This Article is part of the Land Traffic Act
[Vehicles used on roads must be properly maintained according to regulations, so that they don't cause harm or danger to the public.]
[Cars and motorcycles must have vehicle registration plates (license plates) when in use on the road.]
[A vehicle must allow the driver enough range of vision.]
[A vehicle must not scrape the road.]
[A vehicle must not emit gas, dust, smoke, etc, exceeding the regulation.]
[If it gets dark and you cannot see clearly more than 150m, you must turn on the headlight.]
[Cars and motorcycles must have a horn which is audible from a distance of 60m.]
[Cars and motorcycles cannot use flash-light, siren signal, whistle signal, faltering sound, etc, except emergency vehicles, military and police vehicles, or when permitted by the regulation.]
[Cars and motorcycles can use the horn only when avoiding danger or accidents.]
[When a vehicle carries something that's longer than the vehicle itself, a red light signal (night) or a red flag (day) must be fastened to the end of the protrusion, to be visible from a distance of 150m.]
[If a truck carries inflammable liquid that flares up at 21C, or inflammable gas, it must have a red light signal (night) or red flag (day) to caution other vehicles.]
[If a truck carries explosives, it must have placards naming the explosive substance, and fire-extinguishers.]
[A school bus, truck or passenger vehicle must comply with regulations as to the way to carry passengers, animals or loads.]
[When it is necessary to carry passengers, animals or loads in a way not in accordance with regulations, the vehicle owner may request a police officer for a written temporary permission to ease the restriction.]
[A driver is responsible for not letting his passengers, animals, or loads to fall, leak, give out smell, reflect light, etc, which may cause harm or danger to the public.]