This Article is part of the Thai Motorcycle Law
B.E. 2522 (1979)
Title 1: Registration of Motor Vehicles
Title 2: Vehicle Tax
Title 3: Driver's License
Title 4: Penalty Provisions, Motor Vehicle Act
This Act is to be called Motor Vehicle Act B.E. 2522.
This Act shall come into force on September 17, 2522 (1979).
The following shall be repealed: a. Motor Cat Act B.E. 2473 (1930) … (omitted)
Definition: A motorcycle is a vehicle with two tires or less, which is powered with an internal combustion engine or an electric motor. In case it accompanies a sidecar, it may have one more wheel.
(other definitions omitted)
The Minister of Transport and Communications shall be in charge and control of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to prescribe such Ministerial Regulations as requirements of motor v