Hello Bobby,
We have good experience with Renthal Quick Bond Grip Glue, which is a fast acting liquid adhesive, chemically engineered to bond “Renthal” grips to all handlebars in a matter of minutes.
Specially formulated to allow users to apply glue to bar and grip, fit the grip and place into the best position before creating a safe and secure bond between the grips and handlebar.
Due to the Quick Bond formula that makes up Renthal Quick Bond Grip Glue, users are recommended to fit grips individually and only apply glue when the grip is ready to be fitted.
Another thing is make sure the handlebars and inside the grips are 100% clean, a little crease can give problems.
You can buy the Renthal Quick Bond Grip Glue at Dirt Shop in Bangkok
Go to 7-11 buy a bottle of blue Spraynet hair spray. It has a pump on top.
I don't know if there is any difference between pink and blue
Edit: Wash the insides of the grips with soapy water to remove any residue from the moulding process.
Spray inside the grip and some on the bar don't be shy, put the grips back on give the grips a small twist to coat evenly, wipe off the excess with a wet cloth and leave overnight or longer.
Note: Usually the problem is that the grips won't go on without a lot of force, the hairspray also acts as a lubricant.
If this doesn't work the grips are the wrong size.
Hi fellow motorcyclists,
I have an Kawasaki D-Tracker X 250 and I installed new grips on my handlebars, the problem is that they keep slipping. I tried several glues including some specialized rubber glue and even superglue which helps for a day or two.