Rust Removal Made Easy
What if I told you instead of brushing, filling and chipping away at that iron oxide that all you have to do is let it sit in a bucket of non-toxic, non-caustic, water-based solution for a few hours to get ride of all the nasty rust. After I seen it with my own eyes there is no doubt that Metal Rescue is an incredible rust remover.
Well, thanks to Metal Rescue, and Wealthyshine – the Thai importer, I am not a liar and you can do just that. This magic liquid takes the rust off of parts and does it usually in less than 24 hours. The instructions state that light rust will require 5 to 30 minutes, moderate rust up to 4 hours and heavily rusted items may take up to 24 hours. And the Metal Rescue water-based solution is fully reusable.
Don't believe me? Read along because we took some engine parts that had quite a good amount of rust on them and dunked one side of it in the bucket so you can see just how well Metal Rescue works. By dunking one side in Metal Rescue and leaving the other side untouched we gan give you a side-by-side comparison of how well it worked. Rust in your fuel tank? See check this out New tool to battle rust in your fuel tank