The 2014 Yamaha Fino - Modern Scoot with Fuel-Injection
The Yamaha Fino is a runaway success, and the Fino was supposed to imbibe those values of practicality and functionality, in an all-new package, meant for those who wanted an Yamaha scooter but didn't wanted to be seen riding the same scoot as everybody else. The Yamaha Fino is available in 12 standard colors, and Yamaha also offers the Fino in special theme configurations, like the “Real Madrid edition”.
The one thing we've all loved at Motorcycle Thailand is its super-smooth engine. The latest engine revision is a refinement on the smoothness of the Yamaha Fino.
The 2014 Yamaha Fino is amazingly quiet and almost vibration-free while cruising – it almost feels like an electric scooter. Over the years, the transmission end engine have been honed to the extent that the Yamaha Fino is a breeze to ride in a crowded city. Torque comes in instantly, helped by the lightweight body. Open the throttle, and speed climbs quickly enough to get you past unsuspecting fellow riders, who will possibly not hear the Yamaha Fino coming up behind them. But a small wheelbase and lightweight body have downsides.
It bounces over potholes, and bad roads are best taken slower. Mirrors are useless if the road is not smooth.
The size of the 2014 Yamaha Fino make short city rides a breeze, but for daily use it doesn't beat any bigger scooters on overall appeal and performance.Tag: Yamaha Fino EFI Scooter 115cc YMJet-FI Single-Cylinder Commuting Air-Cooled